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"Propolis is a sticky resin that seeps from the buds of some trees and oozes from the bark and leaves of other trees. Honeybees gather propolis, a resin, and combine this resin with nectar, creating a mix of wax, pollen and bee bread. She then use this substance to seal her hives, protecting it from outside contaminants. The honeybees also uses propolis at the entrance to the hive to sterilize themselves as they come and go.
Bees create propolis, a natural resin, to seal their hives. Historically, propolis was used in Greece to treat abscesses. The Assyrians also used propolis to heal wounds and tumors, while the Egyptians used it for mummification. Today, propolis is commonly found in chewing gum, cosmetics, creams, lozenges, and skin creams. It is frequently used in foods and beverages with the claim that it can maintain or improve health. (Medline Plus)
The Constituents of Propolis: Chemically speaking, propolis is a very complex mixture. Its chemical elements vary according to its source. Colors range from golden brown to brownish green to reddish brown to blackish brown. Propolis contains 500 more bioflavonoids (vitamin P) than is found in oranges. Except for vitamin K, propolis has all the known vitamins. Of the fourteen minerals required by the body, propolis contains them all with the exception of sulfur.
Propolis is comprised of 50 percent to 70 percent resins and balsams, 30 percent to 50 percent wax, 5 percent to 10 percent bee pollen and 10 percent essential oils. (researchers at the Second Leningrad Scientific Conference/ Rita Elkins, M.A.). Many flavonols contribute topropolis. Other components include cinnamic acid, cinnamyl alcohol, vanillin, caffeic acid, tetochrysin, isalpinin, pinocembrin, chrysin, galangin, and ferulic acid.
The Properties of Propolis: Propolis is another medicinal marvel from the beehive. Research shows it offers antiseptic, antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal, and even antiviral properties. Propolis is Nature's premiere preventive. It is so powerful in action, it is often called Russian penicillin in acknowledgement of the extensive research the Russians have mounted on this wonder worker from the bees.Propolis demonstrates strong antimicrobial properties against various bacterial and fungal infestations. Even streptococcus bacteria have been shown sensitive to propolis.
Nature's Preventive Medicine: Propolis has been justly called Nature's premier preventive. The immune system is supported and strengthened by the ingestion of propolis . Modern scientific studies indicate that those who take propolis regularly escape winter colds and sore throats and seem to develop a natural immunity to common viruses, including the various strains of flu.
Traditional/Ethnobotanical Uses
Propolis displays strong antimicrobial activity and has been used as a chemotherapeutic agent since ancient times. It was used in folk medicine as early as 300 BC for medical and cosmetic purposes, and as an anti-inflammatory drug and wound-healing agent. More recently, it has been reported to possess antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.
Propolis has shown local anesthetic, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant, and hypotensive properties. It also shows tumor-inhibiting properties in laboratory tests. Proponents of the use of propolis suggest that it stimulates the immune system, thereby raising the body's < propolis.html#> natural resistance to infection. It has been advocated for both internal and external use.
Side Effects
Allergic reactions with skin < propolis.html#> and mucous membrane irritations have been reported. Sensitization to propolis also has been reported.
There is no clinical evidence to support specific dosage recommendations for propolis.
Propolis, the natural antibiotic, works against harmful bacteria without destroying the friendly bacteria the body needs. Propolis has also been proven effective against strains of bacteria that resist chemical antibiotics.
The field of influence of propolis is extremely broad. For centuries people have found recuperative powers in treatments with propolis. These are said to includes cancer, infection of the urinary tract, swelling of the throat, gout, open wounds, sinus congestion, colds, influenza, bronchitis, gastritis, diseases of the ears, periodontal disease, intestinal infections, ulcers, eczema eruptions, pneumonia, arthritis, lung disease, stomach virus, headaches, Parkinson's disease, bile infections, sclerosis, circulation deficiencies, warts, conjunctivitis, and hoarseness.
Propolis helps regulate hormones and is an antibiotic substance that stimulates the natural resistance of the body. Propolis may be used by everyone, sick or healthy, as a means of protection against microorganisms. Propolis is also efficient against conditions caused by bacteria, viruses, or different fungi. Propolis cures many diseases because it is a special natural substance with strong effect. (Draper’s Super Bee Apiaries, inc.)"
More good stuff on Honey:
" Anticancer Activity.
Radioprotective Effect
Propolis Inhibits Pancreatic Cancer Cells
Dental Health
" Anticancer Activity.
In the August 2009 issue of the Oncology Report, a group of scientist's looked into the growth inhibitory activity of Propolis in human colon cancer cell lines.More than 300 bio-active compounds have been identified from bee propolis in various regions of the world. The objective of this study was to examine whether the propolis may exert anticancer activities in four human colon cancer cell lines.In three of the four cell lines, the propolis caused a marked dose-dependent growth inhibition on the cancer cells. In the fourth cell line, propolis induced apoptosis (complete cell death) in the cells after 72 h of treatment. (this is amazing!)The report concluded that their findings indicate that the propolis contain components that may have anticancer activity. Ultimately, one of the many bee propolis health benefits may be as a colon cancer preventative and treatment. But propolis' effect don't appear to be limited to just colon cancer - studies are showing that it has positive activity against other cancers as well.
Propolis has a good reputation for having beneficial effects in asthma patients. But the mechanism was not clearly understood so scientists looked at the effect of a compound called CAPE (caffeic acid phenethyl ester). CAPE is the most extensively studied component in propolis and has shown tremendous results in many other studies for conditions ranging from inflammation to athletic performance.The scientists concluded that propolis (more specifically the CAPE in propolis) inhibited the inflammatory and immune response that asthmatics often experience. They went on to say that "this study provided a new insight into the mechanism of CAPE in immune response and the rationale for propolis in the treatment of asthma and other allergic disorders."I just recently began using propolis with a long term allergy and asthma sufferer. Results have been very promising so far. Their occurrence of chest colds has decreased to zero so far. I'm having him continue with the propolis through the summer so it will be interesting to see how his allergies improve.
Radioprotective Effect
The aim of this study was to assess whether one of the many bee propolis health benefits is a radio protective effect in mice exposed to a single radiation dose.The mice were treated with quercetin or propolis each day for three consecutive days either before or after being exposed to gamma-irradiation. The scientists found that the mice that received the propolis before being exposed were less sensitive to irradiation than those given the propolis or quercetin after being exposed. So it is a good idea to take your bee propolis each morning before you begin using your cell phone or microwave.We are all exposed to radiation on a daily basis now due to the countless cell phone and satellite signals that surround us. I take propolis on a daily basis in order to help protect me from this excess radiation. I also take an extra dose leading up to any flying I may be doing as radiation levels are quite high in commercial planes.
Propolis Inhibits Pancreatic Cancer Cells
There weren't a lot of details included with this study, but as reported in the Journal of Natural Products on July 2, 2009, a group of scientists found that propolis was able to inhibit human pancreatic cancer cells under nutrient-deprived conditions.The scientists found that one particular compound in propolisexhibited the most potent cytotoxicity in a concentration and time-dependent manner. (what that means is that the more of the compound they used and the longer they exposed it to the cancer cells, the better the results they obtained) It was also found that another compound in propolis induced apoptosis-like (programmed cell death) changes of pancreatic cancer cells within 24 h of treatment. Essentially, the bee propolis caused the cancer cells to 'self destruct.' Of the dozens of bee propolis health benefits, this particular capability just may be the most exciting of all as pancreatic cancer has very low rates of survivorship. It is very difficult to treat and standard chemotherapy treatments are not effective in most cases.
Helps with Burns.
As reported in the Journal of Food Science in June/July 2009, rats were fed either a control diet or a propolis diet for 8 weeks to determine if one of its many benefits includes the ability to reduce body fat and cholesterol levels. What the scientists found was that the rats fed a propolis diet had lower adipose tissue levels than the rats fed the control diet. Furthermore, the propolis group showed significantly reduced levels of cholesterol and triglyceride compared to the control group.While more studies do need to be done, it is possible that the administration of propolis reduces the accumulation of body fat while improving lipid metabolism resulting in reduced cholesterol
Dental Health
According to the National Institutes of Health, initial studies demonstrate that using a mouthwash containing bee propolis may inhibit oral bacteria, reduce inflammation associated with periodontitis and prevent the formation of dental plaque. In addition, Brazilian ethanol propolis extract may inhibit candidiasis of the mouth, while a dental gel consisting of propolis and caffeic acid phenethyl ester appears to lessen dental pain. Andrew Weil, M.D., further notes that bee propolis is being investigated as potential tooth sealant and enamel hardener."
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Wisconsin raw honey Online_Store.html
Pollen/Chia seeds San Digeo: http://www. merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY& Category_Code=BEE
Great use of apricot seeds bitter: http://www. kernels.html
Igourmet buy all kind of stuff: http://www.igourmet. com/honey.asp
The featured study found the following nutrients to have a beneficial impact on telomere length:
Vitamin B12 | Zinc | Vitamin D |
Omega-3 | Vitamin C | Vitamin E |

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